Well that would be Owlbotron and Northtale! The Super hero duo whose mission is to spread the power of reading and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) to kids all over the county.
Well let me tell you their origin story. You see I’m good friends with them, so I have the inside scoop.

To learn who Owlbotron is, we must first meet Oliver Owens. Oliver, who went by Ollie, was your average middle school student. He struggled with his math and science classes and faced bullying from some of the kids in his school. Even though he is an owl, he didn’t know how to fly, and longed to join other birds in the skies. He was a sweet kid with many hobbies, such as art and writing, but this wasn’t enough for poor Ollie.
One day, while in the school Library, Ms. Mapp the Librarian, guided Ollie towards a very specific book. Inside this book was a wonderful secret. It was the key to Ollie becoming an epic superhero! After reading the book, Ollie became Owlbotron the Super Owl. He gained the ability to fly and help light the way for other children.
So, who is Northtale?

First let me ask, are you curious how Ms. Mapp knew that Ollie needed that book? Was it just her Librarian senses tingling, or could it be something more? Ms. Mapp is just your standard school librarian, helping spread the joy or reading and assisting in research projects, right?
Well, what if I were to tell you another secret? Ms. Mapp is Northtale! Totally didn’t see that coming, did you? Oh, you did? Huh, well then maybe you have super powers yourself!
To be honest, we don’t know how Ms. Mapp became Northtale. Maybe she has always been, maybe she earned the power through a book like Owlbotron, all we know is that she is a Super Fox! She has the power of navigation and the knowledge to build awesome gadgets. She’s really good at problem solving and loves to help children on their adventures.
Together this duo strives to help inspire the wonderful children of Harris county through the use of literacy and STEM.
Always remember:
You can change the world.
For more back story fun, check out this video on Owlbotron’s origin story!
Check out http://www.hcpl.net/blog for more Harris County Public Library related blogs!

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