Linda Vista Apartments Afterschool STEM Club

Linda Vista Apartments Afterschool STEM Club

For residents of Linda Vista Apartments.

Every Wednesday during the fall semester!

3:10pm-3:45pm: Pop-up Library/ Book Give Away

Stop by and get a free book for every child ages 0-18. We are set up near the front where the busses drop off. All residents with children are welcome.

3:45-4:45pm: STEM Program in Kids Center

All children apart of the afterschool program will get a 1 hour stem program from the Cruiser Crew! Please talk to the front office for more information about how to register.


Curiosity Cruiser is a state-of-the-art mobile library that provides Houston children with access to books and exciting educational programs that integrate reading with science, math, technology, writing, and the arts.

Harris County Public Library

The Harris County Public Library system provides a broad range of traditional and online library services through 26 branch libraries in Harris County, Texas.